10 Jul 2023

Effective Media Interviews Strategy: Avoid "No Comment" One of the most common questions that I get in my media training programs, is "can't we just say 'no comment' if we don't want to answer"? It's an understandable approach, given how often we all see the phrase get used on the news. An annoyed politician in trouble: "No comment." A sports star behaving badly: "No comment....

17 Mar 2023

I'm pretty firmly of the view that the best people to conduct media training are journalists who have actually worked in the field that your industry is trying to target. When it comes to media training, there are many types of trainers to choose from, including public relations professionals, communication consultants, and of course, former journalists like me. While each of these trai...

13 Mar 2023

Chris Urquhart's first book "Making News: The Ultimate Guide to Handling the Media" has proven to be a popular seller for anyone interested in how the media works and how to handle interviews.  Copies of the paperback have been sold all over the English speaking world, with the title available through international distributors globally. But now you don't have to wait for the print...

13 Mar 2022

Public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people, but with the right techniques and preparation, it can also be a rewarding and empowering experience.  We cover public speaking, in-depth in our confidenceedge course, but there are some handy tips that anyone can use to improve their performance. Whether you're speaking in front of a large audience or simply presen...